Saturday, March 21, 2015

Taking Off

Quick update that will be filled in later. Our flight was delayed in the snowstorm until 4 pm  - first time we have ever been on a plane being sprayed with deicer.

But  the plane climbed above the clouds quickly  and within15 minutes  we were looking at this -

and for the next three hours that's basically what we saw-  Clouds clouds and more clouds.....just north of Phoenix the pilot announced there was some weather and turbulence ahead and we skirted  a big thunderstorm. If you are flying and you see  this -
You have to go around,even in an Airbus.

Coming in for a landing over Phoenix -

Cliff picked us up and we met Toni and Courtney  had a wonderful dinner  and passed out asleep for 10 hours..This morning I took a few pics of their house and pool -this is Cliff pointing and a front pic of their beautiful house.

More later -- after the ball game....It is very warm and sunny here.....Julie is getting ready to go in the pool.

Cliff , Toni and Courtney took us over to Salt River Field which is a really nicely designed ballpark and we watched the Rockies beat the Dodgers 6-4


  1. It is really beautiful there! Nice shots from the plane too.

  2. Yeah! Eat it Dodgers! Yankees of the West!

    Looks like that White residence, Ask Cliff if you can throw a pizza on his roof. Classic.
